Interesting books, cookbooks and sources.

Quite often we receive questions about the sources of information. Although most of these are oral histories from people we have met, we are able to verify some of this information based on books. Below is a list that may be useful.


Compendium Ferculorum albo zerbranie potraw cover

Compendium Ferculorum albo zerbranie potraw

Author: Stanisław Czarniecki
Year of first release: 1682
Year of cited source: 2013
ISBN: 978-83-61889-69-4
language of release: Polish
Kucharz doskonały Pożyteczny Dla Zatrudniających Się Gospodarstwem cover

Kucharz doskonały Pożyteczny Dla Zatrudniających Się Gospodarstwem

Author: Wojciech Wielądko
Year of first release: 1783
Year of cited source: 1786
language of release: Polish