Cepelinai - Didžkukuliai
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Cepelinai - Didžkukuliai

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Cepelinai are the national dish of Lithuania. They are also popular in the north-eastern part of Poland (here they are called "Kartacze") and in northern Belarus. Ready Cepelinai are oval in shape and about 10 or 12 centimeters long. So they are more like cigars or airships from the turn of the 20th century.

Their filling varies depending on the region, but most often it is minced pork or pork and veal. In some regions of Lithuania, you can also find fish stuffing (e.g. in the Klaipeda region).

How Cepelinai was created?

Cepelinai have a long tradition as they have been a national dish for over 150 years. Potatoes came to Lithuania at the beginning of the 18th century and quickly gained recognition due to their taste and lack of special cultivation requirements. Soon, they began to prepare various kinds of dishes. The current name is associated with the well-known type of airships that used to be zeppelins. In the past, the name "Didžkukuliai" was used. Even now in some regions you can meet this name.

How to make Cepelinai?

Cepelinai dough is made of potatoes, usually combining raw, grated potatoes with boiled ones. The latter are pounded into a homogeneous mass.

Recipe informations:



15 minutes


100 minutes


Servings 8
4 (1)

Meat stuffing

  • 400 g of minced pork
  • 1 onion
  • 2 handfuls of dill
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • pepper
  • frying oil


  • 2.5 kg of potatoes
  • 1 kg of boiled potatoes with the skin on
  • Salt
  • 2-3 tablespoons of potato starch

Meat stuffing

1. Step

Chop the onion, gently fry in oil until soft.

2. Step

After cooling, mix with minced meat and other ingredients.

3. Step

Form small balls and set aside.


1. Step

Peel the boiled potatoes and mash them. TIP: potatoes must be completely cooled down, otherwise when we mix them with starch, the mass will not be stiff but liquid.

2. Step

Grate the remaining potatoes on a fine grater and press through gauze or other material.

3. Step

Let the resulting liquid stand for about 5 to 10 minutes to settle the starch.

4. Step

Drain the water and combine the starch from the bottom with grated and boiled potatoes. If not much starch has formed and the dough does not want to combine, add starch in loose form. TIP: everything should be mixed very well.

5. Step

Form pancakes from the resulting dough, put a portion of the filling in the center and form oval noodles.

6. Step

Heat a large pot of water, remembering to salt it. Put the cepelinai in boiling water and cook for about 25 minutes. TIP: when the zeppelins float, you can reduce the fire.