Gramatka - Polish beer soup
Photographer: Piotr Półtorak Copyright: Traditional Recipes

Gramatka - Polish beer soup

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Author: Piotr Półtorak

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Key takeaway

  • Gramatka is one of the oldest Polish soups.
  • Depending on the region, it is also called 'faramuszka' or 'biermuszka'.
  • One of the most famous references in Polish literature can be found in the work 'Pan Tadeus' by Adam Mickiewicz.


I would like to introduce you to a rather unusual dish - beer soup. Although this type of soup is known in various cuisines around the world, this one is very interesting.

Gramatka, also called "faramuszka" or "biermuszka", is an interesting proposition of Old Polish cuisine. This recipe dates back to around medieval times. Although its best times date back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This dish is an interesting beer soup. Its main task was to stimulate the person who consumed it. Just like modern coffee which has actually replaced this soup.

Actually, in the old days in Poland, soups and similar dishes were called 'polewki' (singular 'polewka'). So this dish is called more of a 'polewka' than a soup. But this concept is practically unambiguous.

Beer soup has been prepared for centuries for various occasions. But, it was often prepared for breakfast. It was supposed to provide a refreshing start to the day, just like coffee today. And at the turn of the two centuries it was slowly replaced by coffee.

Today, "grammatka" is almost forgotten. Yet, it is worth trying this unusual dish. I try it several times a year and each time I discover something new in it.

This recipe comes from a friend living in the south-eastern part of Poland. Thanks to him, I learn often forgotten recipes that are worth keeping for future generations.

How was Polish beer soup created?

The exact period of its creation remains a mystery. Many sources say that similar soups were already known throughout the region. We know for sure that it was eagerly prepared in the Middle Ages. Yet, the main ingredient of this soup (then called 'polewka') remains unchanged.

In the Middle Ages, due to the lack of access to clean water, the basis of nutrition was many fermented drinks. It's no wonder that beer has become one of the basic ingredients of this soup. There are also recipes that include wine. But, the most common recipe involves beer.

This soup used to be very popular. He was present not only at noble courts, but also at royal tables. From some sources we know that it was the favorite breakfast soup of the 16th century king Sigismund the Old.

It was so popular that it can be found in Polish literature, e.g.

"The elderly ladies, getting up early, were drinking coffee;
Now they made a second dish for themselves
From hot, cream-bleached beer,
In which the chopped cottage cheese floats in lumps."
Translated from 'Pan Tadeusz' by Adam Mickiewicz (1833–1834)

How to prepare beer soup?

Contrary to appearances, the recipe is very simple and does not require much time. Its preparation takes from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on how much we are in a hurry :). Personally, I prepare it as follows.

Recipe informations:



15 minutes


20 minutes


Servings 4
4 (1)


Gramatka - Polish beer soup ingredients
  • 1 liter of light beer
  • 1 cup of cream
  • 3 yolks
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 cubes of cottage cheese
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • salt


1. Step

Gramatka - Polish beer soup - steps-1
First, take a few cloves of garlic and gently peel them. Then chop the garlic into very small pieces. In a large pot or pot, heat the butter over medium heat. When the butter melts, add chopped garlic. Fry it until golden.

2. Step

Gramatka - Polish beer soup - steps-2
Place the egg yolks in a separate bowl. Add sugar and, using a whisk or mixer, beat them together until you obtain a smooth, creamy mass. Now add the cream to the yolks and sugar and mix thoroughly so that all the ingredients are well combined.

3. Step

Gramatka - Polish beer soup - steps-3
Then heat the beer in a separate pot or saucepan, but do not bring it to a boil. It's best to keep the beer warm, but not hot. Gradually pour the heated beer into the egg mixture, stirring constantly.

4. Step

Now we can serve our soup. Place some fried garlic on a plate. If you like the intense flavor of garlic, you can add more. Also add crumbled cottage cheese, which will add a creamy texture and slightly sweet taste to the dish. Then carefully pour in the hot beer soup, spreading it evenly over the garlic and cottage cheese. This soup is especially tasty with the addition of crunchy bread croutons. However, you can serve it with plain, unheated bread.