Kluski śląskie - Silesian dumplings
Photographer: Piotr Półtorak Copyright: Traditional Recipes

Kluski śląskie - Silesian dumplings

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Author: Piotr Półtorak

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When we talk about flavors and tradition, Silesian dumplings occupy a special place on the culinary map of Poland. This is a dish that is very easy to make and disappears from the plate even faster. I invite you to get to know this delicious dish. Try this simple recipe that you can prepare very quickly at home.

Silesian dumplings (as the name suggests) come from the regions of Upper and Lower Silesia. This dish is very popular there and was once an almost daily dish for the people of this area. This dish was included in the list of traditional products of both the Opole and Silesian Voivodeships.

The name Kluski śląskie is rather a general name and is well known throughout Poland. You may encounter terms such as kluski białe, kluski biołe, guminowe, gumione, kartofelmelklezy or gumiklyjzy. Each of these local names describes the same dish, differing only in the way it is served.

I often eat them when I visit friends in this part of Poland. Of course, I also prepare them when I feel like a quick and filling dish. Such simple ingredients mean that we can make something delicious very quickly.

In fact, they don't have to be potatoes that we peel and cook especially for this dish. We can as well use some of the potatoes from the previous day. This is a kind of precise food recycling that will ensure that nothing goes to waste :) .

The shape and size of the dumplings are quite important, as is the selection of ingredients. Of course, dumplings that are too large will cook slower. The indentation in the dumpling not only serves a decorative function, but is also a place where the sauce served with the dish remains. The finished dumplings are approximately 4-5 cm wide and 2.5 cm high.

The process of preparing Silesian dumplings begins with the preparation of potatoes. While still hot, cooked potatoes are squeezed through a press or ground in a food processor.

Combined with simple ingredients such as potato flour, salt, and egg, we get a ready-made dough. We prepare dumplings from this mass, separating them and forming them into appropriate shapes. At the very end, cook the prepared dumplings. As you can see, the recipe is very simple and does not need much experience.

Ready-made noodles are most often served as an addition to meat. They can also be served as a separate dish. All you need is a bit of fried onion, cracklings, or fried bacon. And now we have a delicious dish ready. If you don't like these additions, you can also add mushroom sauce or even goulash sauce. It all depends on your preferences.

Recipe informations:



15 minutes


42 minutes


Servings 45
4 (1)


Kluski śląskie - Silesian dumplings ingredients
  • 1 kg of boiled potatoes
  • 250 g of potato starch
  • half a flat teaspoon of salt


1. Step

Kluski śląskie - Silesian dumplings - steps-1
Peel the potatoes and cook in salted water until soft. This will take approximately 25 minutes. Then dry them thoroughly to remove any remaining water. I leave them on for a second after pouring the water to evaporate. We have to wait a few minutes for them to cool down. Press the boiled potatoes through a press, beat them with a potato masher or grind them with a blender. Either option is good as long as we end up with a well-ground potato mass.

2. Step

Kluski śląskie - Silesian dumplings - steps-2
Combine all ingredients together and mix thoroughly. The mass should be plastic. I mix and knead on the pastry board, adding a little potato flour under the mixture, but you can also do it with a machine. I form a roll of the prepared dough with a diameter of about 4 cm and then cut the dough into pieces. I form the dumplings in my hands into balls slightly larger than a walnut. Then I gently flatten them and form a hole with my thumb. Don't worry if they are slightly different sizes. However, it is important not to overdo it :) . I saw on the Internet that some people make holes with some kind of tool. However, I find it easiest to use your finger.

3. Step

Kluski śląskie - Silesian dumplings - steps-3
Cook the formed dumplings in salted water. It is worth remembering to cook at low heat so that the dumplings do not swell. Just cook for 3 minutes. The dumplings will float to the surface a little earlier, but you need to give them a moment to cook.

4. Step

Kluski śląskie - Silesian dumplings - steps-4
Ready-made Silesian dumplings taste delicious, served warm straight from the pot. They are perfect with the addition of bacon, fried bacon or topped with meat sauce. All of them are delicious, but I think they taste best with the sauce. Additionally, they go perfectly with onion fried in oil, which adds a unique flavor. If you want to store them and don't want them to stick together, add a little oil (about a tablespoon) to the boiled water. You can also pour a little butter melted in a pan into the container in which you plan to store it.