Kopytka - Polish potato noodles
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Kopytka - Polish potato noodles

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Kopytka is one of those traditional Polish dishes that, thanks to its simplicity and taste, gains supporters not only in Poland. These are actually potato dumplings in the shape of small rhombuses or triangles. In some regions of Poland, they take on a slightly oblong shape.

It all depends on the person who makes them. Sometimes it's easier and faster to make something more subtle. The word "Kopytka" itself literally means "small hooves", to which their shape refers. In my opinion, this is quite an accurate description.

Kopytka can be served in various ways. They can be a separate dish to which you can add your favorite sauce. We can also coat them in breadcrumbs fried in butter.

We can also use this pasta as an addition to another main dish, e.g. instead of potatoes. Each way is good and has its own unique character and taste.

Potato noodles have a smooth and soft texture. Its taste largely depends on the additives added to the dough. Traditionally, the ingredient list is quite simple.

Nowadays, however, you can find different varieties that may contain, for example, spinach. So it's worth experimenting and finding your own taste.

How were "kopytka" created?

This dish has a very long tradition in Poland and probably no one knows exactly when it was created. One of their forms containing potato flour dates back to the 18th century, when it began to be produced. But, as we mentioned earlier, this is not the period of their creation, because the dish itself is much older.

The roots of this dish can be found in country cottages. Everything that was at hand was used. If there was anything left from the previous day, it was processed again. Nothing could be wasted. We're talking about previously cooked potatoes.

This simple recipe turned out to be a delicious and filling dish. Regardless of the method of serving or additions, this dish has its own unique character and taste.

How to prepare Kopytka?

Kopytka are made of potato dough with the addition of flour, eggs and salt. As I already mentioned, there are also versions that add potato flour. The resulting dough is thoroughly kneaded and rolled, and then cut into small pieces.

They are boiled in salted water and, after cooking, served with additions of your choice. Potato pasta is today one of the most popular dishes served on the family table in Poland.

Recipe informations:



20 minutes


60 minutes


Servings 48
4.5 (2)


Kopytka - Polish potato noodles ingredients
  • 1 kg of cooked potatoes
  • About 230 g - 260 g of wheat flour (depending on the consistency of potato mass)
  • 1 medium or small egg
  • flat teaspoon of salt


1. Step

Kopytka - Polish potato noodles - steps-1
Peel the potatoes and cook in lightly salted water until tender. Then still warm potatoes should be grinded in a machine or passed through the press. Warm potatoes are softer and easier to grind but nothing prevents you from using already cooled. TIP: Freshly cooked potatoes, it is worth drying a little so that the mass is created later was more compact.

2. Step

Kopytka - Polish potato noodles - steps-2
Pour the flour onto the board and then put out the potato mass. We make a cavity in which we stick one egg. We also add a teaspoon of salt. When we have all the ingredients, we knead them until a uniform one does not contain any lumps of mass. The color of the mass strongly depends on the type of potatoes so you should not worry too much about it. If the mass is not enough, you should add a little more flour. It all depends on the content of starch in its potatoes.

3. Step

Kopytka - Polish potato noodles - steps-3
On the flour -covered board, place about a quarter of the dough and then roll out with our hands until a cylindrical shape of about 2 cm thick. Then we cut out fragments of the dough at an angle so as to get Kopytka about 2 cm long (they can also be longer because it is a matter of preferences)

4. Step

Kopytka - Polish potato noodles - steps-4
Cook the noodles obtained in salted water until they flow out (after flowing out, cook noodles for about 80 seconds).