Łazanki - Polish pasta with cabbage and mushrooms
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Łazanki - Polish pasta with cabbage and mushrooms

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Every country's cuisine contains culinary treasures that take us on a journey through history, taste, and culture. Poland is certainly one of those countries that abounds in unique flavors and dishes. One such unusual dish is "łazanki".

This is a dish based on simple ingredients that, when combined, create a real feast of flavors. The main ingredients here are pasta, cabbage, and onion. Additionally, we can also add meat or mushrooms. Bathroom pasta is in the form of small squares, somewhat like a mini version of lasagna.

How was łazanki created?

One theory says that the name of this square pasta comes from the Italian lasagne. Of course, there are some similarities but also significant differences in how this dish was created.

But, it was Queen Bona Sforza, who was the wife of King Sigismund I the Old, who imported many Italian products to Poland. Among them, you can find many vegetables and kinds of pasta.

According to linguists, the word "łazanka" actually comes from the Italian word "lasagne". It is thus possible that this dish was transformed from the Italian form of lasagna to lasagna over the centuries. Yet, it is possible that this dish was named so because of the similarity.

Łazanki is a real gem of Polish cuisine. This is a dish that combines history, tradition, and taste. Though simple in ingredients, it is rich in culinary experience. If you haven't had a chance to try this unique dish yet, it's worth it.

Recipe informations:



50 minutes


65 minutes


Servings 4
4.5 (2)


Łazanki - Polish pasta with cabbage and mushrooms ingredients
  • 120 g of 'lazanki' or 'quadretti' pasta
  • 1/4 bunch of sausage - optional
  • 200 g sauerkraut or regular cabbage
  • 1 medium onion
  • about 5 pieces of champignons or forest mushrooms
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • half a teaspoon of salt and pepper


1. Step

If we use very aromatic cabbage, we can rinse it with water after pressing. I also recommend cutting the cabbage into smaller pieces. To soften it, we should boil it for about 20 minutes. After this time, it should be squeezed well from the water.

2. Step

Łazanki - Polish pasta with cabbage and mushrooms - steps-2
While the cabbage is cooking, we can prepare the mushrooms. If we want to use dried wild mushrooms, they should be soaked in advance (preferably the day before). We pre-cook such mushrooms and then fry them in a pan. If you want to use mushrooms, simply clean them and chop them finely.

3. Step

Łazanki - Polish pasta with cabbage and mushrooms - steps-3
Peel the onion and then cut it into small pieces. Personally, I prefer pieces about 1 centimeter in size. It would be best if they were smaller than a sheet of pasta. But, this is a matter of taste. Please also remember that the onion will shrink a bit when frying.

4. Step

Łazanki - Polish pasta with cabbage and mushrooms - steps-4
Heat the oil in a medium-sized frying pan (it should easily accommodate all the ingredients). We start by frying the onions and mushrooms. Depending on whether we use champignons or wild mushrooms, the order of frying differs slightly. When using mushrooms, I recommend starting with them. Only after a while, when they release some liquid, do we add the onion. When using forest mushrooms that are already pre-fried, first fry the onion. The onion should be well glazed but not brown. If you want to use sausage, chop it finely and fry with onion and mushrooms. Fry everything for about 15 minutes. Remember to put aside the cabbage as it should have finished cooking. During this time, we can also cook the pasta.

5. Step

Łazanki - Polish pasta with cabbage and mushrooms - steps-5
Add the previously prepared cabbage to the pan one by one. Mix everything and fry for another 5 minutes.

6. Step

Łazanki - Polish pasta with cabbage and mushrooms - steps-6
When the pasta is ready, add it to the pan after draining. Add our spices and mix thoroughly. We can also heat it up a bit. After these steps, the data is ready to be served on the table.